Shield Canine Services has narcotic K9 detection teams available to search private residences, automobiles, or any specific areas that are believed to be a location of hidden illicit drugs. This program was designed to help family and loved ones with drug issues, so they may get a second chance before entering the criminal system or even worse. It is quite common for family and friends of ill loved ones to be suspicious of hidden drugs. Sometimes suspicion needs to be followed by decisive action in order to help our loved ones. Shield Canine Services can conduct a confidential, search of suspected areas which can either confirm or alleviate your suspicion.
The results can help start the process in providing the care and assistance for your loved one’s recovery.
A drug dog can easily solve this situation privately. Using a SCS K9’s handler-dog team is a simple way to discreetly detect the presence of narcotics in your home, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.
SCS K9’s services are completely discreet, confidential and effective. We will schedule the search at a day and time which you have determined is best for your situation. We will arrive at your home in an unmarked car, wearing street clothes, not uniforms.
During the search, if narcotics are detected, the SCS K9 dog will indicate his findings with a simple passive sit or a standing stare. The SCS K9 handler will identify the location the dog is indicating, and the rest is up to you. We are not associated with any law enforcement agencies and are not required to notify law enforcement of the search or its result.
SCS K9 can search your entire house, including the following areas:
In and around furniture
Backpacks & purses
Front and back yards
Whether you are worried about a family member’s potential drug use, or concerned that their friends could be bringing drugs into your house, you deserve to know with certainty that your house is drug-free.