In the business of Import/Export or Trucking the objective is to get a commodity to its destination.
The reality is that Laredo is the number one inland port in the U.S.
90% of all drugs in the U.S. come through the border.
Narcotic criminal organizations are known to infiltrate legitimate businesses in a attempt to smuggle narcotics. They search for businesses on a daily basis.
They may attempt to bribe dispatchers, forklift drivers, truck drivers or any employee.
In the event that a business is caught with narcotics in its load the driver or employee will be arrested.
The tractor and trailer will be impounded along with its load thus disrupting the business, loss of contracts.
The incident will be reported by media. This will then tarnish the business’s reputation.
The investigating agency will conduct an investigation and will investigate the business and its owner/employees.
Licenses, permits and contracts due to incident could be lost.
​Business and employers have a obligation to make every effort to maintain a drug free working environment.